Dangers of using latex gloves in food preparation

August 02, 2017

Dangers of using latex gloves in food preparation

Though the idea behind using a glove when preparing meal is to ensure some level of hygiene but putting it into a broader perspective, using certain types of gloves could eventually lead to some health complications. The most commonly used material in glove making is latex and it is this type that is often used in cooking. However, there are a couple of issues that can arise from using latex gloves. Among the health risks  associated with using latex gloves include:

  • Firstly, incidence of allergic reactions on the skin of the person cooking with latex gloves on, is very comnon. The reaction is triggered when protein powder (present in the glove) come in contact with the skin. Plus these allergic reactions could be worsened with frequent and/or prolonged usage. To curtail this occurrence it is advisable to rub cream on the hand before putting on a pair of gloves.
  • Coupled with this, inhaling the powder can also result in respiratory inflammation.
  • It is also possible for the latex to tear off and end up in the food. Ingesting such food can bring about gastric disturbance. There have been reported cases of individuals experiencing allergic reactions immediately after eating foods prepared using latex gloves.

More pronounced is the onset of anaphylactic shock which is a more severe complication that could arise from latex allergy.

As a way of curtailing the effects of latex allergy, it is preferable to use high quality powder-free latex for food preparation. Or better still, one could choose to use gloves made from vinyl or polyethylene.